Armies sharing the same deployment zone are no longer deployed on top of each other by default.Grass and scrub no longer gets in the way of the camera during pre-battle speeches.Updated pre-battle speeches to take greater advantage of available situational information.AI experience levels now fully derived from combat (the AI experience boosting mechanism has been removed). Per-unit-type threshold multiplier introduced that scales the thresholds to compensate for differences in the damage output of different unit types. Experience system revision: experience-level thresholds rebalanced to allow for faster overall level-progression.Fix to rare crash when placing mines in naval battles.Order to burn down a building now finishes if the building is destroyed by other means.In naval replays, some ships’ flags were appearing in the wrong colours, now fixed.Fix for men staying at the bottom of the walls when they are attacked whilst climbing.Ship banners are now appearing correctly in replays.